Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring... and Allergies are soon here!

With Spring fast approaching, most of us are eagerly awaiting the warmer weather, spending more time outdoors and the beautiful flowers and leaves that will soon be budding. That is, if you don't suffer from allergies.

Runny nose, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, headaches oh my! Many dread Spring for all the discomfort it brings, and the fear they have each time they step outdoors as to how their body will react. But this does not have to be so.

There are many natural things that can be done to help alleviate allergies, but in most cases, the sooner you start, the better, ideally 4-6 weeks before symptoms usually begin. Here are a few things to consider...

1) Liver cleanse - cleansing the liver can help take the toxic load off the body so that it can more readily respond to foreign invaders!

2) Probiotics - increasing the good bacteria in your stomach will increase your immune response which can alleviate many symptoms and make you more resilient

3) Antioxidants - especially Quercetin, Rutin, vitamin C, grape seed extract - all help reduce histamine, much like an anti-histamines

4) Homeopathics - there are many homeopathics for allergies. Some are complex remedies that help reduce several specific triggers, like pollen, grass, & buds; whereas others are single remedies that help alleviate the symptoms, such as: runny nose, difficulty breathing, congestion etc. It is best to talk to a professional to see which is best for you

5) Diet changes - many people benefit by reducing or eliminating certain foods from their diet, because of the effect they have. For example, dairy is mucous inducing and can increase congestion. Garlic and onions are high in antioxidants, which can ease many symptoms.

6) Nasal Lavage - netti pots or sea salt nasal mists are great at clearing mucous and congestion in the sinuses. Both are great for sinus infections and allergies alike, and can really help open the air passages. An added bonus is that they can also help with some headaches!

There are many amazing remedies in natural medicine that can help reduce the suffering that an allergy season brings, so if you do suffer, consider having a nutritional assessment to see what options you have, in addition to the typical over-the-counter medicines you may have been using up until now, because you will be surprised by just how many options there are.

Wishing you a symptom-free Spring!

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