Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do you have a Cold or the Flu? How to Distinguish the Two?

Do you have a Cold or the Flu? How to Distinguish the two?

Colds: Slow onset, starting over 1-3 days
Flues: Abrupt onset, starting within 24 hours,one minute fine, the next very ill

Lasts for:
Colds: 4-10 days
Flues: 1 week – several weeks

Colds: Little or none, except sometimes in young children
Flues: Usually high with chills

Runny nose: Yes ~ for both

Sneezing: Yes ~ for both

Colds: Feels scratchy, sore, like swallowed razor blades
Flues: May not be as bad, but at the same time, likely to get a lung infection

Colds: Thick and mucousy
Flues: Initially dry, then can get very severe and last a long time

Colds: Possible, but unlikely
Flues: Yes, skull may hurt as if brain is too big for skull; eyes light sensitive

Colds: Not much
Flues: Yes, especially in legs and back

Secondary bacterial infections
Colds: Sinus and ear infections
Flues: Pneumonia and bronchitis

Runny eyes:
Colds: Yes
Flues: No

Hope this helps a bit!

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